Monday, January 31, 2011

Installing TestNG

Installing TestNG

Downloading and Installing TestNG is same of that of JUnit. (Refer this link before moving further)

1. Download testng-5.9-jdk15.jar file

2. For the purpose of this tutorial, download testng-<version-number>.jar file into C TestNG folder of C drive.

3. Now you have extracted TestNG, you need to add testng-5.9-jdk15.jar to your classpath. This enables the Java compiler to resolve where and what TestNG is.

In Windows,
  • Right click on "My Computer", select "Properties"
  • In "System Properties" form, click on "Advanced" tab
  • Click on "Environment Variable"
  • Double-click CLASSPATH and then enter the new value Ex: C:\TestNG\testng-5.9-jdk15.jar
  • If you already have a setting in your CLASSPATH, make sure that you append the testng path by separating the new path with a semicolon

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