Monday, January 31, 2011

Installing TestNG in Eclipse IDE

Installing TestNG in Eclipse IDE

Following steps will guide you to install TestNG in Eclipse IDE.

1. Open Eclipse 

2. Click on "Help" menu, select "Install New Software..." (see the following figure)
Figure: Select "Install New Software" from Help menu
3. In the "Install" wizard, click on "Add" button

4. In the "Add Repository" window, enter Name as "TestNG" and Location as "", click on "OK" button

5. TestNG will be added into the "Install" wizard, select "TestNG" checkbox and click on "Next" button.

Figure: Install Wizard
6. Click on again "Next" button from "Install Details" page.

7. In the "Review Licenses" page, select "I accept the terms of the license agreement" radio button and click on "OK" button

Eclipse will start installing the latest version of "TestNG"

8. The wizard will ask you to re-start eclipse.

Now, TestNG has installed sucessfully. You can create your unit test cases by using TestNG.

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