Monday, October 3, 2011

Arrays in Java


Suppose we have here three variables of type int with different identifiers for each variable.
int number1;
int number2;
int number3;

number1 = 1;
number2 = 2;
number3 = 3;

As you can see, it seems like a tedious task in order to just initialize and use the variables especially if they are used for the same purpose.

  • An array is a systematic arrangement of objects, usually in rows and columns.
  • An array is a container object that holds a fixed number of values of a single type. The length of an array is established when the array is created. After creation, its length is fixed.
  • An array is a very common type of data structure where in all elements must be of the same data type. Once defined , the size of an array is fixed and cannot increase to accommodate more elements. The first element of an array starts with zero.
  • In Java and other programming languages, there is one capability wherein we can use one variable to store a list of data and manipulate them more efficiently. This type of variable is called an array. An array stores multiple data items of the same data type, in a contiguous block of memory, divided into a number of slots.
Declaring Arrays:

Like all other variables in Java, an array must have a specific type like byte, int, String or double. Only variables of the appropriate type can be stored in an array. One array cannot store both ints and Strings, for instance.

Like all other variables in Java an array must be declared. To declare an array, write the data type, followed by a set of square brackets[], followed by the identifier name.


<elementType>[] <arrayName>;
<elementType> <arrayName>[];

Here are some examples:

int[] k;
float[] yt;
String[] names;

This says that k is an array of ints, yt is an array of floats and names is an array of Strings. In other words you declare an array like you declare any other variable except that you append brackets to the end of the type.

You also have the option to append the brackets to the variable instead of the type.

int k[];
float yt[];
String names[];

The [] may appear as part of the type at the beginning of the declaration, or as part of the declarator for a particular variable, or both, as in this example:

byte[] rowvector, colvector, matrix[];
This declaration is equivalent to:
byte rowvector[], colvector[], matrix[][];
Once an array object is created, its length never changes. To make an array variable refer to an array of different length, a reference to a different array must be assigned to the variable.
However, convention discourages this form; the brackets identify the array type and should appear with the type designation.

Array Instantiation:

After declaring, we must create the array and specify its length with a constructor statement. Declaring arrays merely says what kind of values the array will hold. It does not create them. Java arrays are objects, and like any other object you use the new keyword to create them. When you create an array, you must tell the compiler how many components will be stored in it.

Instantiation: In Java, this means creation
Constructor: In order to instantiate an object, we need to use a constructor for this. A constructor is a method that is called to create a certain object.

Arrays can be created using the new operator or by declaring a static initializer. The new operator specifies the size of the array.


<arrayName> = new <elementType>[<noOfElements>];


intArray = new int[10];     // Defines that intArray will store 10 integer values
int[] c, d;         // declare references to array c and d
c = new int [ 4 ];         // allocate memory for the 4 elements in array c
d = new int [ 125 ];     // allocate memory for the 125 elements in array d
byte[] b = new byte [ 100 ]; // declare and allocate memory for array b

An array intializer may be any arbitrary expression.

int c = 15;
int[] primes = { 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 };
int[] a = { 1, primes[2], c, (int)Math.pow(2,2) };

When memory is allocated for an array, the elements are automatically initialized to their default values: zero for all numeric primitive data types, false for boolean variables and null for references.

As with all objects, if the array reference (object reference) is assigned a null value, then the garbage collector will reclaim the dereferenced (unused) memory.

    Friday, May 6, 2011

    Selenium Frameworks

    Followings are the various automation frameworks available which can be used with Selenium Web Automation tool depending on the requirements

    1. Keyword Driven Framework
    2. Data Driven Framework
    3. SAJ (Selenium Ant JUnit) framewrok
    4. SAT (Selenium Ant TestNG) framework
    5. SIMPLIUM 
    6. Tellrium
    7. Robot Framework

    Monday, May 2, 2011

    Differences between HTTP and HTTPS protocols

    • HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. 
    • HTTP is a system for transmitting and receiving information across the internet.
    • HTTP is the set of rules for transferring files (test, graphic images, sound, video and other multimedia files) on the World Wide Web.
    • HTTP functions as a request-response protocol in the client-server computing model.
    • In HTTP, a web browser, for example acts as a client, while an application running on a computer hosting a web site functions as a server. The client submits an HTTP request message to the server. The server, which stores content, or provides resources, such as HTML files, or performs other functions on behalf of the client, returns a response message to the client. A response contains completion status information about the request and any content requested by the client in its message body.
    • HTTP is an Application Layer protocol designed within the framework of the Internet Protocol Suite

    HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is a combination of the HyperText Transfer Protocol with the SSL (Secure Socket Layer)/TLS protocol to provide encrypted communication and secure identification of a network web server.

    Differences Between HTTP and HTTPS Protocols:
    • HTTPS connects on port 443, while HTTP is on port 80
    • HTTPS encrypts the data sent and received with SSL, while HTTP sends it all as plain text

    Monday, March 21, 2011

    Date Function in Java

    Getting the current Date-time:
    public String getCuurentDateTime(){
    DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    String cal2 = dateFormat.format(cal.getTime());
    return cal2;

    Monday, March 14, 2011

    Finding the port number of a SQL Server

    There are a couple of ways of finding this information.
    1) Using the GUI: In SQL Server 2000, you can use the Server Network Utility and in SQL Server 2005, you can use the SQL Server Configuration Manager.  Look under SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration and look at the TCP port for the TCP/IP protocol.
    2)  Check the error log.  You will see an entry like: “Server is listening on [ 'any' <ipv4> 1433].”  The last 4 numbers denote the TCP/IP port number that is being used by that particular instance of SQL Server.
    3)  Registry entry: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetLib\TCP
    and you will see TCPPort as one of the entries and it’s value represents the port number for that instance.  In case you are using a named instance, then the registry entry will be: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\<name of the instance>\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetLib\TCP
    4) Using the extended stored procedure xp_regread, you can find out the value of the TcpPort by using SQL.  Example:
    DECLARE @tcp_port nvarchar(5)
    EXEC xp_regread
    @rootkey    =    'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',
    @value_name    =    'TcpPort',
    @value        =    @tcp_port OUTPUT
    select @tcp_port

    Wednesday, March 9, 2011

    Data Driven Test Using JUnit

    Following steps will guide you how to do data driven tests by using JUnit.

    1. Create a Java Project

    2. Create a JUnit Test case called "DataDrivenTestUsingJUnit"

    3. Add junit and selenium-server jar files to build path

    4. Copy the following script and run the test
    Figure: Data Driven Test using JUnit

    Data Driven Test Using Text file

    Following steps will guide you how to do data driven tests by using Text file.

    1. Create a Java Project

    2. Create a JUnit Test case called "DataDrivenTestUsingTxtfile"

    3. Add junit and selenium-server jar files to build path

    4. Create a folder called "test-data"

    5. Create a text file called test-data.txt" under test-data folder

    6. Add followings in test-data.txt file - page design, page updates (one below the other as shown in the following figure)
    Figure: Test data in Text file
    7. Copy the following code and run the test script
    Figure: Data Driven Test Using Text file

    Data Driven Test Using Excel file

    Following steps will guide you how to do data driven tests by using Excel file.

    1. Create a Java Project

    2. Create a JUnit Test case called "DataDrivenTestUsingXL"

    3. Add junit and selenium-server jar files to build path

    4. Create a folder called "test-data"

    5. Create a excel file called test-data.xls"

    6. Under "Sheet1" add the test data as shown below
    Figure: Test data in Excel file
    7. Copy the following code into your junit test file and run
    Figure: Data driven test using excel file

    Data Driven Test Using Properties file

    Following steps will guide you how to do data driven tests by using .properties file.

    1. Create a Java Project

    2. Create a JUnit Test case

    3. Add junit and selenium-server jar files to build path

    4. Now right click on the source folder and select New ->File

    5. Enter File name as "" and "Finish" button
    Figure: Creating properties file
    6. Now, double click on "" file and enter the following data - Filter_Task=page design,page updates
    Figure: Test data in properties file
    7. Now copy the below code from the following figure and run your JUnit test case
    Figure: Data Driven Test Using Properties File

    Monday, March 7, 2011

    Generating JUnit Report

    1. Select File menu and click on "Export" option

    Figure: Export window
    2. Expand "General" node and select "Ant Buildfiles", click on "Next" button

    3. Select the project (let all default options), click on "Finish" button
    Figure: Ant Buildfiles
    4. build.xml file should be created under project folder

    5. Now we need to add junit jar file in Ant's "Global Entires"

    6. Select "Window" menu, click on "Preferences"

    7. In "Preferences" window, expand "Ant" root node, click on "Runtime"

    8. Click on "Classpath" tab, expand "Global Entires" 

    9. Click on "Add External JARs" button

    10. Navigate to your "eclipse" directory (where eclipse is installed). Select "plugins ->org.junit_3.8.2.v3_8_2_v20100427-1100" directory. Select junit.jar file

    11. Now right click on build.xml file and select Run As -> Ant Build.."

    12. In "Edit Configuration and launch" window, select "build", "SmokeTestSuite" and "junitreprot" checkboxes and click on "Run" button
    Figure: Edit Configuration

    13. All your test scripts will run and finally report will be generated under the same project directory under "junit" folder

    14. Click on "index.html", you will see the report 

    Friday, March 4, 2011

    Creating Selenium RC - JUnit Test Suite using Eclipse IDE

    1. Create JUnit test cases as illustrated here

    2. To create a JUnit test suite, right click on the project select New -> Class

    3. Enter the class name as SmokeTestSuite and click on "Finish" button

    4. Copy the following code and paste in the above class

    package actItTimeSmokeTest;

    import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
    import org.junit.runners.Suite;

    @Suite.SuiteClasses({JUnitTestCase_01.class, JUnitTestCase_02.class, JUnitTestCase_03.class})
    public class SmokeTestSuite {

    5. To run the test suite, right click on the SmokeTestSuite file and select Run As -> JUnit Test

    6. The test suite file will run all the 3 tests and gives the results. Following is the JUnit test result for test suite
    Figure: JUnit Test Suite Results

    Thursday, March 3, 2011

    Running a Selenium RC - JUnit Test Case in Eclipse IDE

    1. Create a JUnit test case as illustrated here

    2. Select the test case which you want to run individually (.java file), right click on it.

    3. Select Run As -> JUnit Test (see below figure)
    Figure: Running JUnit Test Case
    4. The test results can be viewed under JUnit window (see below screen shot)
    Figure: JUnit Test Result

    Creating a Selenium RC - JUnit Test Case in Eclipse IDE

    1. Open Eclipse IDE
    2. Create a project
    3. Create a package
    4. Add JUnit, selenium-server jar files to build path
    5. Right click on the project and select New -> JUnit Test Case (as shown in following figure)
    Figure: JUnit Test case
    6. In the "New JUnit Test Case" window, enter "Source folder", "Package" and "Name". Here name is java class name.
    Figure: New JUnit Test Case
    7. Now, copy and paste the following code into your test case
    Figure: JUnitTestCase_01
    8. Similarly, create the following test cases
    Figure: JUnitTestCase_02
    Figure: JUnitTestCase_03

    Wednesday, March 2, 2011

    Adding JUnit Library to Eclipse Build Path

    1. Download JUnit jar file

    2. Open Eclipse IDE

    3. Create a Java Project if you have not already created (Refer here)

    4. Right click on the project and select "Properties"

    5. In "Properties" window, select "Java Build Path" from right side tree

    6. Click on "Libraries" tab

    7. Click on "Add External Jars" button (See the below figure)
    Figure: Build Path
    8. Move to the location where junitx.jar file is located and add, click on "OK" button

    9. A new node called "Referenced Libraries" must be created and JUnit jar file must be added into that as shown below
    Figure: JUnit jar fiel ubder Referenced Libraries
    Now, we can write JUnit test case.

    Monday, February 28, 2011

    Creating a Java Package in Eclipse IDE

    1. Run Eclipse IDE

    2. Create a new Java Project (Refer here)

    3. Right click on "src", select New -> Package
    Figure: New Package in Eclipse
    3. Enter package name and click on "Finish" button
    Figure: Java Package Wizard
    4. Now, Java package has been created
    Figure: Java Package

    Creating a New Java Project in Eclipse IDE

    1. Open Eclipse IDE

    2. Click on File -> New -> Java Project as shown in the following figure
    Figure: Creating Java Project
    3. Enter "Project name" and click on "Finish" button
    Figure: Eclipse "New Java Project" page
    That's it!! New project has been created in Eclipse IDE

    Thursday, February 24, 2011

    Java Class

    What is a Class:
    • In object-oriented programming, a class is a construct that is used as a blueprint (or template) to create objects of that class. This blueprint describes the state and behavior that the objects of the class all share. An object of a given class is called an instance of the class. The class that contains (and was used to create) that instance can be considered as the typeof that object, e.g. an object instance of the "Fruit" class would be of the type "Fruit"
    • A class is a representation for a conceptual grouping of similar terms. For example, a computer could be represented as a class which would have many subclasses such as personal computers, mainframes, workstations, etc.
    • Java classes contain fields and methods.
    • class is simply a representation of a type of object; think of it as a blueprint that describes the object. Just as a single blueprint can be used to build multiple buildings, a class can be used to create multiple copies of an object.

    Java Class Syntax:

    Following is the syntax of Java class.

    [public] class class-name [inheritance-specification] {

    Types of Java Class:
    Java possesses five different types of class construct and if one is to develop quality software it is important to know where to use each type. It can sometimes be difficult to know exactly which variant should be used in a particular situation as often more than one will fit. To make matters worse there are generally many ways that a particular problem can be solved. This article will discuss the various class types and give indicators as to when they should be used.

    Top Level Classes

    A top level class is the one that all Java developers will be familiar with as without it one can not develop software at all. A typical top level class can be seen below:
    package example; public class Foo {     public static void main(String[] args) {     } }
    This is the simplest, runnable, top level class that could be developed and lives in a file called Without actually checking I would guess that 90% or more classes are top level. Each class encapsulates some data or functionality that logically belongs on its own. If in doubt about which type of class to use a top level class is probably the safest choice as it will be easier to correct any mistakes later.

    Static Member Classes

    Static member classes (sometimes called static inner classes although they aren't strictly inner) are the first and most common type of nested class. A nested class is defined inside the body of an enclosing class and should only be present to assist the enclosing class. There is no limit to the depth of the class nesting but it is uncommon to see more than one level and very uncommon to see more than two (in more years than I care to think about developing Java I have never seen a triple nested class).
    A very simple static member class is shown below. As with the top level class this is as simple as it can be and is just to show the syntax:
    package example;
    public class Nest {
    private static class Nested {
    Static member classes can be thought of as regular classes that are simply defined inside another class. They have complete access to all the enclosing classes static member variables and functions. All the rules regarding accessibility of the member class are the same as for any other static member of the class. So, for instance, if it's private only the enclosing class can access it.
    package example;
    public class Nest {
    private static String var = "foo";
    private static class Nested {
    public Nested() {
    var = "bar";
    The most common use of static member classes is as an auxiliary class that only makes sense when used in conjunction with its enclosing class. An example of this is in the Java library is in he Map interface which includes the Map.Entry static interface. Although this example uses interfaces rather than classes the intention is exactly the same. Interfaces are used in order to make it easier to switch to a different implementation at a later date.

    Non-Static Inner Classes

    There is only one small difference between the declaration of a static and non-static member class but in terms of functionality the difference is huge. To define a non-static inner class use the same syntax as for static member classes but don't include the static key word. For Example:
    package example;
    public class Nest {
    private String var = "foo";
    private class Nested {
    public Nested() {
    var = "bar";
    The most important difference between static member classes and non-static inner classes can be seen in this example. Each instance of the inner class is implicitly associated with an instance of its enclosing class. This allows the inner class to directly access the non-static member variables and functions of its enclosing instance. Since a non-static inner class maintains a reference to its enclosing class an instance of a non-static inner class can not be created unless there is an instance of the enclosing class. Instances of the inner class maintain a reference to their enclosing instance which is assigned automatically upon object creation. If your member class doesn't require access to the enclosing instance make it static to save resources.
    Non-static inner classes are useful as adaptors that allow a class to appear to be something else. For example one can view the keys in a Map as a Set. This is handled by the creation of an inner class that implements the Set interface which is then returned to the user. Iterators are a similar example. When one requests an Iterator from a collection what one receives is an inner class that implements the iterator interface. The class itself needs to be non-static so that it can access the contents of the enclosing instance.
    Due to the restriction that a non-static inner class can't exist without an enclosing instance it is uncommon to see non-static inner classes that aren't private or at least package protected. Static member classes, in contrast, are frequently public.

    Anonymous Classes

    Anonymous classes are one of the strangest constructs in the Java language and many new developers have trouble getting their head around exactly what is happening. Once anonymous classes are properly understood, however, they open a world of possibilities for quickly solving simple routine problems. The most common use of anonymous classes is with GUI development where they are attached as listeners to the various widgets. Probably the second most common use of anonymous classes is as filters and comparators. The example below shows a simple comparator:
    package example;
    import java.util.Collections;import java.util.Comparator;import java.util.LinkedList;import java.util.List;
    public class Comp {
    public Comp() {
    List<String> foo = new LinkedList<String>();
    foo, new Comparator<String>() {
    public int compareString s1, String s2 ) {
    return s1.compareTos2 );
    In the above example the anonymous class is an implementation of the Comparator interface that is used to order the List foo. The class is anonymous because it has no name and can't be referenced. In this situation the class is said to be used as a function object.
    Anonymous classes can also be process objects such as Runnables or Threads and they can also be used in static factory methods where we want to view one object as if it is another by wrapping it in a class that implements a different interface.
    Anonymous classes are a very powerful tool in the developers arsenal but it is important that they aren't over used or overly complex. A long anonymous class can quickly clutter a top level class making it difficult to see where one ends and the other begins. Generally speaking try and keep anonymous classes to a maximum of one screens worth of code or about 40 lines.

    Local Classes

    Local classes are by far the most uncommon class type to be used in the Java language. In fact I don't actually remember ever seeing one. For those interested an example is show below:
    package example;
    public class Enclosing {
    public Enclosing() {
    class Local {
    public Local() {
    System.out.println"In local class...");
    new Local();
    A local class is declared inside a method body (member classes are declared inside the class). It is only accessible to the method it is declared in which makes local classes less generally useful than non-static inner classes. If used in a non-static setting they acquire a reference to their enclosing class. There are some uses for local classes in situations where there isn't an interface already defined so an anonymous class would be difficult or impossible to use.